Summary: The Vanishing Newspaper by Eric Alterman

Summary: Goodbye, Gutenberg?

The article ‘Goodbye, Gutenberg? – The Vanishing Newspaper‘ was written by Eric Alterman and published by ‘The New Yorker‘. It thematizes how and why printed newspapers have to make way for news from the internet.

The author Philip Meyer forecasts in his book ‘The Vanishing Newspaper‘ that the last printed newspaper would be delivered in 2043.

Why does this happen?
Alterman said, the main reason was that people wanted a neverending flow of information and updates, they did not want to wait until the newspaper arrived. Also, they wanted to talk to others about it and furthermore state their opinion.

Nowadays, in his opinion, we lived in the internet age, which maked printed newspapers loose their social importance. Particulary younger people did not use newspapers any more: According to a survey only eight per cent of the people under the age of 35 prefered newspapers instead of digital news.

He added, newspapers tried to fix their declining income by creating websites with commercial. Ironically, almost every website, which published news, got the content from newspaper articles.

3 thoughts on “Summary: The Vanishing Newspaper by Eric Alterman

  1. hi sonja 🙂 I think your text is written very well. You mind the important aspects and use many transition words. But i think the summary is not in the right order… good work 🙂

  2. I like the clear structure of your summary and that you made paragraphs ( after two or three
    sentences). Also you’ve summarized the main aspects of the text. In my opinion you use your own words for the summary and you use connecting words like furthermore and also which make clear how the author argues.

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